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Branding Method

What is Communication Guidelines?

1. Pain point

All brands are eager to communicate with their (potential) customers the value of the brand to further engage them. However, it is getting more and more difficult to convince customers through solely traditional communication and marketing approaches.

2. What is Brand Experience Strategy?

The brand experience strategy is meant to define how a brand converts its value or positioning into a tangible, consistent, and holistic experience that convinces and engages consumers.

An brand experience strategy answers these 4 questions:
1) Persona – Who are our target customers and what do they aspire for?
2) Journey – What is their typical way of engaging with a brand?
3) Touchpoints – What are the critical touch points on the journey and what do they mean / how do they impact consumers?
4) Experience Universe – What kind of world does the brand want to create for the consumers through all the touch points leveraged?

3. How is Brand Experience Strategy different from Brand Strategy?

A brand experience strategy defines how the brand converts and interprets the brand strategy into a tangible convincing experience that allows consumers to engage with the brand.

A brand strategy defines the key elements of the brand: value, beliefs, personality, and universe

4. How can it help with your enterprise transformation and why is it important to your company?

Consumers would not believe and understand what the brand means to them and could bring to them unless they experience and are convinced. The Brand Experience Strategy enables to deliver the experiences more outstandingly, more consistently. The Brand Experience Strategy enables the participation of many parties contributing to it. Typical deliverables include:
1) Sensorial brand definition
2) “IP events” definition
3) Retail / physical pop up definition
4) Brand e-magazine
5) Experience roadmap

For any company that’s looking for a transformation, a good brand experience strategy will ensure them to build
1) a more consistent brand in consumers’ minds
2) a sustainable brand in a more efficient way

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